Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Time to get planting

Latest trip to the field included liaising with the District Agricultural Officer and the distribution hub in Dhading Besi the main town in Dhading district. We are distributing to 9000 households here right up to the Tibet border. Met with helicopter team who are still able to make 15 flights a day. The weather is closing in as the monsoon approaches , we are getting rain each day now of varying ferocity. I think we have around a week left before the full monsoon starts. A lot of the people in the high Himalayan region ( 10,000 ft altitude and above, areas like Lapa and Ree ) are now coming down as they realise it is impossible to try to plant or find shelter until after the rains. This is an additional problem as they are now internally displaced people ( IPD) and an additional challenge. Many are setting up camp around Dhading Besi. At last we have the green light from donors to buy more rice and veg seeds to add to the FAO supply, seeds are now being distributed and not a day too soon.

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