Tuesday, June 02, 2015


Sorry for the delay in writing since my last blog. It has been quite hectic, we had a huge aftershock on Saturday night at around 10.30pm. My bed was moving all over the place and in no time everyone was out on the street. However after some minutes the panic was over and we all trooped back again. It must have been around 5.5-6.0, as some of the neighbours were saying they don't bother getting out of bed for anything under a 5 nowadays!
Great news, the application I submitted a few weeks ago for around $200,000 for the first part of the seeds programme has come through. Rice seed has gone out and we have placed orders for 7500 vegetable seed packs today. Each pack contains 19 different veg seeds which we have crossed checked with the health team to make sure they have a good range of nutritive benefits. These are now going out with the cultivation tools and we will follow that with millet seed later.
We are now procuring waterproof grain bags so the existing wheat which is still being harvested can be safely stored before the monsoon as any remaining shelter is being used by the people.
There are very large cracks in many of the fields and terraces so the irrigation system is not working well. There is a fear that in the monsoon these cracks will allow more rain to percolate than normal and cause more landslides. Not much we can do at this stage but advise to cultivate away from the edges.

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